The entries in this row are divided into three position-based groups.

Left group

The Projects button takes you back to the project overview. Next to it the name of the currently opened project is displayed.

Middle group

This group combines the functions Settings (Project, Client), Preview and Publish. Preview and Publish redirect to a separate page.

Right group

The right group contains three drop-down menus with general functions for operating SiteKiosk Online and the editor.

View groups the functions Resolution/Zoom, Client overview and Center view. The Center function centers the project in the content view.

In addition to the menu bar options available outside of the editor, the Help menu also contains the items Show Tutorials and Hint Dialog. The Tutorials item links to external video tutorials that explain the editor's functions in more detail. The Hint dialog is also displayed when the editor is opened for the first time.

The menu behind the user name links to the user settings as in the normal menu bar and allows the user to log out.