Content view
The Content view is the editor's workspace, where you can directly see the adjustments in the project and adjust the position and size of the elements.
Within the content view you can select single or multiple elements with the mouse by clicking or dragging a selection frame. Selected elements are highlighted in the content view by a blue or yellow (container elements) element marker and in the overview by a dark blue bar. Selected elements can be positioned with the mouse using drag and drop and resized using the handles on the element marker. Note that a grid of 5 pixels is maintained here. Hold down the Alt key if you want to adjust the size more finely. Furthermore, you can adjust the size and position of an element directly in the toolbar or in the element's properties dialog.
Clicking the Edit button in the toolbar opens the properties dialog of a selected element, where the basic properties of an element can be edited. Double-clicking on an element in the overview or in the content view also opens the properties dialog of the respective element in the Inspector.
Context menu
Right-clicking in the content area opens a context menu that provides the following functions:
- New...
- Edit
- Delete
- Copy
- Paste
Keyboard shortcuts
CTRL + A Select all elements
CTRL + C Copy selection to clipboard
CTRL + V Paste selection from clipboard
CTRL + Z Undo action
CTRL + Y Redo action
Alt + N Opens the New Element dialog
Alt + M Maximize element to size of parent container
Alt + H Center element horizontally
Alt + V Center element vertically
Alt + Drag and Drop Position or resize element pixel-precisely