Configures how the application should be watched. Relevant elements will be filled by SiteKiosk by using the StartParameters.

Configuration for a watchdog.

Alternative configuration which should be used when the restart count is exceeded. When null, the process will not be restarted.


  • WatchdogConfig


childProcesses?: ChildProcessConfig

The configuration for child processes.

exitBehavior: ExitBehaviorConfig

The configuration on how to react to an exit of the target process.

indirectlyLaunchedPrograms: IndirectlyLaunchedProgramsConfig

Indirectly launched programs by our target process.

memoryWatcher: MemoryWatcherConfig

The configuration for the memory watcher.

pingBehavior: PingBehaviorConfig

How should we ping the target process.

process: ProcessConfig

The configuration of the process to start.

Run as another user configuration.

The configuration for the startup window of the target process.

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