How should we ping the target process.

Configuration for the way with which SiteKiosk will check on the target process.


  • PingBehaviorConfig


gracePeriodInSeconds: number

Time in seconds we wait until we perform our first ping. When 0 the pinger will first ping in IntervalInSeconds seconds.

intervalInSeconds: number

Time in seconds after which we will ping a process again.

name: string

The unique name of the pinger, when not set the name will be the process id of the process which should be pinged.

pingTimeOutInSeconds: number

Time in seconds the pinged process has until it is marked as not responding.

pingType: PingType

The appliction's ping mechanic.

terminateOnTimeout: boolean

True when the process should be terminated when a timeout has been detected. False will only generate warnings.

waitTillPongerIsConnected: boolean

True when the pinger should wait until a ponger has been connected until it starts pinging.

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