If you see the emergency screen on your client, there is an error on this client. This can be caused by license problems, incorrect configurations and other errors on the client. 

You can perform the following actions to rectify the error status:

  • Make sure that the client machine has a working internet connection.
  • Check whether your team has enough licenses on the SiteKiosk Online Server to run the number of clients you are using. See also Licenses and Licensing of the client.
  • Publish a minimal test project on the client to determine whether the project published on the client is causing the error. See also Publish.
  • Check your project that is published on the client for errors and correct them.

You can exit SiteKiosk via the dialog in the emergency display. Use the user data of the local administrator (Windows client) or the SiteKiosk Online master password (Windows & Android client).

You can find the master password in your SiteKiosk Online team under Team>Security>Master Passwords.

On Windows clients, the emergency display indicates the following errors by color-coding the background color:


Configuration could not be loaded


Too many restarts


No Service


License not found/expired/invalid, client not registered.