Root of the whole SiteKiosk configuration.


  • SiteKioskConfig


activityTracker: ActivityTrackerConfig

Contains settings for devices and handling of the user activity.

applications: ApplicationConfig[]

Application configuration, for applications which should be started and monitored by SiteKiosk.

authentication: AuthenticationConfig

Contains authentication settings, user groups, eg.

clientSettings: ClientSettings

Contains all client (machine) based settings.

contentPlayer: ContentPlayerConfig

Configures the content player.

custom: any

Additional config values, not used directly by SiteKiosk. Can be used to store variables or custom settings used by scripts.

Contains the configurations relevant for debugging purposes.

Contains devices (sensors and actuators) which should be made available through SiteKiosk , some devices are ready without beeing visible in this collection. Some devices require additional plugins activated first.

downloads: DownloadsConfig

Settings for browser downloads.

fileManager?: FileManagerConfig

Settings for file manager.

localFileServer?: LocalFileServer

Configures the local file/content server.

logout: LogoutConfig

Logout behavior.

pathRemappings: PathRemappingConfig[]

Remaps a path to an other path.

payment: PaymentConfig

Configures the payment system.

plugins: PluginConfig[]

Contains all active plugins

printing: PrintingConfig

Defines the print behavior of SiteKiosk and the system.

remoteClient: RemoteClientConfig

Contains configurations regarding the remote client.

remoteControl: RemoteControlConfig

Configures the remote control client.

security: SecurityConfig

Security settings, like input restrictions, forbidden windows, eg.

startupApplication: StartupApplicatonConfig

Settings for applications which should be started at SiteKiosk startup.

system: SystemConfig

Contains all SiteKiosk system relevant settings.

Contains all UI relevant settings for SiteKiosk.

version?: string

The version of SiteKiosk for which this configuration is created.

webFilter: WebFilterConfig

Contains web content filtering, surf areas, eg.

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