Configuration for restart behavior after an exit.

Configuration for alternate start configuration after an exit.


  • RestartBehaviorConfig


allowRestarts: boolean

When set to true the system allows restarts of the process.

alternativeConfigWhenAllowedRestartsAreExceeded: WatchdogConfig

Alternative configuration which should be used when the restart count is exceeded. When null, the process will not be restarted.

countOfAllowedRestarts: number

Restart count before the alternative will be used.

handleEveryExitAsFailure: boolean

When the application has exited with an exitcode >= 0 the exit will count as a failure and will restart the application.

resetRestartCountAfterSeconds: number

Time in seconds after which the restart count will be resetted.

restartDelayInSeconds: number

How long before the restart is triggered.

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