Configures the block behavior


  • WindowBlockConfig


commandID: number

The Id to use with WM_COMMAND to close a window. Only usable when the WindowCloseMethod is WindowMessageCommand

doNotReport: boolean

When true, no log message will be created and no dialog will report the blocking of this window.

doNotShowBlockDialog: boolean

When true, no dialog will report the blocking of this window. Ignored when doNotReport is true.

gracePeriodInSeconds: number

How many seconds can this window stay until it will be blocked.

terminateProcessWhenClosingFails: boolean

When true and the maximum number of tries is exceeded the process will be terminated.

windowCloseMethod: WindowCloseMethod

How will SiteKiosk close this window.

windowHandlingMode: WindowHandlingMode

How will SiteKiosk react to this window.

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