Browser specific settings.

Browser config to use for new browsers which are created by browsing actions with this browser. When not specified the value is determined by the useDefaultBrowserConfigForNewWindows value.


  • BrowserConfig


allowAutoPlay?: boolean

True when video and audio tags are allowed to play automatically.

allowRunningInsecureContent?: boolean

True when insecure webcontent should be allowed to run.

allowSandboxing?: boolean

True when the electron browser engine should use sandboxing, may increase stability. Electron engine only.

allowZoomGesture?: boolean

True when zoom gestures are allowed.

allowedCertificateErrorHosts?: string[]

List of hosts whose certificate errors should be ignored.

browserConfigForNewWindows?: BrowserConfig

Browser config to use for new browsers which are created by browsing actions with this browser. When not specified the value is determined by the useDefaultBrowserConfigForNewWindows value.

conditionalFullscreen?: BrowserConditionalFullscreenConfig

Handles the fullscreen behavior, a browser in fullscreen will hide all UI elements and will maximize itself to occupy the available screen space.

Configuration for the browser context menu.

defaultZoomFactor?: number

Value for the initial zoom level of webpages.

ignoreCertificateErrors?: boolean

True when certificate errors should be ignored.

offlineStartPage?: string

Alternative URL to navigate to when the startpage is offline.

Contains all settings for the integrated pdf viewer.

Handles the browser permissions, like geolocation, eg.

popupHandling?: BrowserPopupHandling

How should the browser handle popups.

privateBrowsing?: boolean

True when the browser should be started in private browsing mode.

startMaximized?: boolean

Should the browser window start maximized.

startPage?: string

Configuration for the startpage.

startPosition?: Unit2D

The start position of the browser window. When not specified the default position (centered inside the work area, with a slight offset to allow visible stacking) will be used.

startSize?: Unit2D

The start size of the browser window. When not specified the default size (min: 1024x768 max: 75% of width and height from the work area) will be used.

Configuration for the browser UI.

uiEnhancementScript?: string

The script which should be used to enhance the browser UI. Script will be executed after the browser UI components have been loaded.

useDefaultBrowserConfigForNewWindows?: boolean

True new browser windows from browsing actions should use the default browser config. False when the browser config of the opener browser should be used.

useDeviceDisplayScaleAsDefaultZoomFactor?: boolean

True when the devices display zoom factor should be used as initial zoom level for webpages.

webSecurity?: boolean

True when the websecurity should be activated.

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