On this page you will find an overview of the installed SiteKiosk versions on the clients and the option to plan and manage updates. Clients with an installed version of 1.4 and higher can be updated via this page.

We strongly recommend that you test the update on a test client before updating your clients.

Currently only Windows and rooted Android devices are supported, as well as Android-Philips devices that support the customized intent "php.intent.action.UPDATE_APK".

After the update has been assigned, the installer is transferred to the devices. The update is downloaded for load balancing at a random time between receipt of the job and the scheduled execution of the update. If this fails, the client tries again at longer and longer intervals, up to a maximum of two hours. As soon as the start time of the update is reached, the client starts the update process. Once the installation has started, the update process can no longer be stopped.

For Android devices where root access is managed via a SuperSU app, (re-)authorization must be deactivated.

Client Versions

A list of the SiteKiosk versions currently installed on the clients. This list is divided into Windows and Android systems.
By clicking on the version diagrams, the corresponding clients can be selected which do not have the latest client version installed.

Scheduled Updates

An overview of all scheduled updates. It is also possible to stop scheduled updates and remove stopped and completed updates from the list.

The status contains a log in which the sub-steps of the updates are recorded.