The PDF element can be used to display a PDF presentation with optional automatic page changes.

Upload file



A placeholder text is displayed in the editor. In the application on the local client, the element is displayed with the set frame and background. If the element should also be disregarded in the layout, it must be hidden via the display conditions.


The Select File button opens the file selection dialog of the browser. The selected file will be uploaded, added to the media library and stored as a PDF file for the element. Once a file is uploaded and selected, the button is labeled with the file name.

Existing file in project

In the File drop-down menu, the PDFs are displayed alphabetically by their file name. If sharing of media has been allowed in another project by means of the project settings, they will also be displayed in this list under their project title as a heading.


The PDF toolbar offers options to zoom in/out, scroll and jump to specific pages.

With scrolling enabled, all pages of the PDF are written below each other and any position can be freely reached by scrolling on the local client. Without this option, the current page is always displayed flush with the top edge of the element.

The Automatic paging ensures a page change in the displayed PDF file after the displayed time. The last page is automatically followed by the first page again.