Elements can be restricted in their display by various conditions. Among other things, time-limited displays, day/night modes, inactivity notices or notices on special days can be realized. Please note that an element could also be hidden when controlled by their parent containers or covered by other elements.

Basically, a distinction is made between display, do not display and display under the following conditions. Do not show ensures that an element is only displayed in the editor. This way it can be hidden temporarily without losing all other settings and values of the element. The display conditions can be combined in any way to allow complex rules. An element is only displayed if all activated conditions are fulfilled.


The element can optionally be shown only when the screensaver is active or when it is not active. The time for the screensaver to become active can be changed in the project settings under Idle & Zoom.


The Monitor option allows you to specify whether an element or page is displayed only on the first or second monitor. 

Time range

The element is displayed between two time points. The upper time point indicates the beginning of the period, the lower one the end. In the text fields the time point can be entered in the format DD:mm:YYYY HH:MM:SS or with the calendar selection.

Day time range

The element is displayed on each day between these times.


From the enumeration of days, the days on which the element should be visible can be selected via checkbox.

Specific days

The item is displayed only on the days that are included in the list. A day entry can be removed by the X on the right side. The + inserts the currently selected day from the calendar selection. Each day can only be added to the list once.

Specific variable value

An element can only be displayed if a variable has a certain value. Variables can be changed in their value by actions on other elements. With the option unequal the element is always displayed if the variable does not have the value.