All clients managed by the team in SiteKiosk Online are displayed and organized in the client list. Depending on the configured rights, not all clients may be visible to the user. Switching between tree view and client is independent of the filter.


Groups are a unique administration structure for clients. Groups can be nested within each other. Each client exists exactly once in the group hierarchy.

The New Clients and Unlicensed Clients groups can neither be renamed nor deleted. Clients are automatically added to the New Clients group when they log in for the first time. Clients are moved to the Unlicensed Clients group when they are deleted. Only deletion from this group is permanent. This group is functionally similar to the recycle bin of many operating systems.


Tags are an additional option for managing clients. Tags do not have a hierarchy, but all clients of a tag can be selected together and added to another tag. A client can be assigned to any number of tags.

Pictograms of the clients

Error-free, the client runs without errors

Warning, the client is running without an assigned project, the project is not up to date or the client is in maintenance mode

Alarm, the client has one or more errors, the connection is interrupted or the emergency display is visible

Logged out, the client was switched off regularly

Out of service, the client has not connected to the server for 30 days or is in the Unlicensed Clients folder


The displayed client list can be restricted using the filter function. A filter consists of three components: the variable, the comparison operator and the comparison value. The variable is selected from the first drop-down menu and includes various client parameters. The comparison operator is either contains (=) or does not contain (≠). The comparison value is a free text or a drop-down menu with preselected values for variables that only allow a limited selection.

Filter criteria can be permanently saved as filters and then quickly changed using the Load filter function.

The Reset search button resets all search criteria and displays all clients of a team again.

View: Tree view

In the tree view, the clients are displayed in their groups like folders in a directory tree. A group with the team name serves as the parent group for all groups and clients.

The number of clients in the group and all subgroups is displayed in brackets after the names of the groups.

The tags are grouped alphabetically under Tags.


Create folder / Create tag

Depending on the position in the tree view, either a new folder is created as a subfolder of the already selected folder or a new tag is created.

Assign tag

A dialog opens in which all selected clients can be added to a tag or a new tag can be created.


The name of the currently selected client, group or tag is changed. The groups New Client and Unlicensed Clients cannot be renamed.


Deletes a group or moves clients to Unlicensed Clients. Deleting a client from Unlicensed Clients will permanently remove it from SiteKiosk Online.


Refreshes the display. Newly logged-in clients, changed statuses or changes to the client arrangement made by other users are displayed.

Folder sharing

In the dialog, a checkbox is used to select all user groups allowed to access clients in this group..

Fold everything in/out

These two buttons are used to either expand or collapse all folders and tags.

View: Clients

Buttons for display control are available above the table view.

The buttons Select all and Deselect all select or deselect all clients. The page navigation can be used to control the current page.

Tabular overview

The entries in the overview can be sorted in ascending or descending order using the triangular arrows next to the column headings. The checkbox above the first column selects all clients.

  • The checkboxes in the first column are used to select the clients for the actions below the table view.
  • The client name is listed in the Name column. 
  • Last contact is the time of the last possible contact with the client; if there is an active connection, Connected is displayed. 
  • Notifications is a list of all current notifications from the client. 
  • The Project column links to the project that is displayed on the client. 
  • SiteKiosk version is the version number of the client on the client machine 
  • Folder name is the group name in which the client is currently located. 
  • Screen and connection indicate the respective statuses. 
  • The registration date is the date on which the client was registered in SiteKiosk Online.

The displayed columns can be configured by right-clicking on the columns.

Button bar

The actions of the buttons are applied to the selected client. If no client is selected, the buttons are deactivated.

  • Tags can be created, renamed and deleted via Assign tags.
  • Move opens a pop-up in which the new group for the clients can be selected via the drop-down menu.
  • Export downloads a .csv file with the information from the table for the selected clients.
  • Delete moves the selected clients to the Unlicensed Clients folder. Deleting a client from Unlicensed Clients will permanently remove it from SiteKiosk Online.